We briefly covered the basic RAPPOR mechanism in a previous post. We’ll copy the example code for reference:

import math
import random
def rappor(value: int, domain_size: int, epsilon: float):
  """Execute the RAPPOR mechanism on value

  value: the value to randomize. Must be an integer between 0 and domain_size - 1
  domain_size: a positive integer > 1
  epsilon: the privacy loss parameter.
  # Generate a one-hot vector of length `histogram_length`
  # All zeros except for the `value`th entry.
  out = [0] * domain_size
  out[value] = 1

  # With probability f, set the bit randomly.
  # Equivalently, flip the bit with probability f/2
  f = 2 / (1 + math.exp(epsilon/2))
  for i in range(domain_size):
    if random.random() < f/2:
      out[i] ^= 1 # flip the bit
  return out

Previously we showed that RAPPOR satisfies $\epsilon$ differential privacy. We’ll attempt here to show Renyi DP (Mironov 2017) and zCDP bounds (Bun & Steinke 2016). First, lets go over some definitions. These definitions are a bit simplified in that we will assume discrete output spaces and distributions with full support over those spaces.

Definition 1: A mechanism $A$ satisfies $(\alpha, \hat{\epsilon})$ Renyi Differential privacy (RDP) if, for all pairs of neighboring inputs $D$ and $D’$, and all possible outputs $x$:

\[\frac{1}{\alpha-1}\log\left(\sum_{x} Pr[A(D) = x]^\alpha Pr[A(D')=x]^{1-\alpha}\right) \le \hat{\epsilon}\]

Definition 2: A mechanism $A$ satisfies $\rho$ zero concentrated differential privacy (zCDP) if $A$ satisfies $(\alpha, \rho \alpha)$-RDP for all $\alpha > 1$.

RDP bounds for RAPPOR

Let’s start by seeing what we can show about the RDP of RAPPOR. For RAPPOR, we can consider the input and output as $d$-length binary vectors. So

\[Pr[A(D) = x] = \prod_{i=1}^d \begin{cases} \frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1} & \text{ if $D_i = x_i$}\\ \frac{1}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1} & \text{ if $D_i \neq x_i$}\\ \end{cases}\]

Theorem 1: The RAPPOR algorithm where bits are kept with probability $p=\frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}$ and flipped with probability $q = 1-p$ satisfies $(\alpha, \hat{\epsilon(\alpha)})$-RDP for all $\alpha > 1$ where:

\[\hat{\epsilon}(\alpha) = \frac{2}{\alpha - 1}\log \left( \frac{e^{\alpha \epsilon / 2} + e^{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon/2}}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1} \right)\]

Without loss of generality (due to symmetry), consider $D$ and $D’$ that differ only on the first and second index, i.e. $D = [1, 0, …]$ and $D’ = [0, 1, 0, …]$.

There are 4 special outputs we need to consider:

  • [0, 0, …]
  • [1, 1, …]
  • [1, 0, …]
  • [0, 1, …]

Each of these outputs has the same possible $2^{d-2}$ suffixes, so

\[\begin{align*} e^{(\alpha - 1)D_\alpha\left(P||Q\right)} &= \sum_{x} Pr[A(D) = x]^\alpha Pr[A(D')=x]^{1-\alpha}\\ &= \sum_{x \in \{[0, 0, ...], [1, 1, ...]\}} p\ q\ Pr[A(D)[2:]=x[2:]] + \sum_{x \in [1, 0, ...]} p^{2\alpha} q^{2(1 - \alpha)} Pr[A(D)[2:]=x[2:]] + \sum_{x \in [0, 1, ...]} q^{2 \alpha} p^{2(1 - \alpha)} Pr[A(D)[2:]=x[2:]] \\\\ &= 2 p q + p^{2\alpha} q^{2(1 - \alpha)} + q^{2\alpha} p^{2(1 - \alpha)}\\ &= 2 \frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{\left(1 + e^{\epsilon/2}\right)^2} + \left(\frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}\right)^{2 \alpha} \left(\frac{1}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}\right)^{2 (1-\alpha)} + \left(\frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}\right)^{2 (1-\alpha)} \left(\frac{1}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}\right)^{2 \alpha}\\\\ &= 2 \frac{e^{\epsilon/2}}{\left(1 + e^{\epsilon/2}\right)^2} + \frac{e^{\alpha \epsilon}}{\left(1 + e^{\epsilon/2}\right)^{2}} + \frac{e^{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon}}{\left(1 + e^{\epsilon/2}\right)^{2}}\\\\ &= \left(\frac{e^{\alpha \epsilon / 2} + e^{(1-\alpha)\epsilon/2}}{1 + e^{\epsilon/2}}\right)^2 \end{align*}\]

The theorem immediately follows.

zCDP bounds for RAPPOR

We’ll make use of recent results from Steinke which derives tight zCDP bounds for the randomized response algorithm. Summarizing here:

Theorem 2: The binary randomized response algorithm which flips the bit with probability $q = \frac{1}{1 + e^\epsilon}$ satisfies $(\alpha, \hat{\epsilon}(\alpha))$ RDP for all $\alpha > 1$ where:

\[\hat{\epsilon}(\alpha) = \frac{1}{\alpha - 1}\log \left( \frac{e^{\alpha \epsilon} + e^{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon}}{e^{\epsilon} + 1} \right)\]

This is precisely the bounds we showed for RAPPOR, with two differences:

  • We substitute $\epsilon/2$ for $\epsilon$
  • We multiply the overall term by 2

That is, $RDP(RAPPOR(\epsilon)) = 2 RDP(RR(\epsilon/2))$.1 It is equivalent (from the RDP perspective) to invoking two instances of binary randomized response with half the “epsilon budget” each! With this perpsective, we can leverage the additional Steinke result:

Theorem 3: $\epsilon$-DP binary randomized response satifies $\rho$-zCDP where $\rho = \frac{e^\epsilon - 1}{e^\epsilon + 1}\epsilon$.

In fact, the result in the blog post holds (as an upper bound) across all pure $\epsilon$-DP mechanisms, but it is tight for binary randomized response. We can use this to immediately show the following:

Theorem 4: $\epsilon$-DP RAPPOR satisfies (tight) $\rho$-zCDP where

\[\rho = \frac{e^{\epsilon/2} - 1}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1}\epsilon\]

This follows immediately from the zCDP composition of two binary randomized response mechanisms, which we know has the same Renyi divergence as RAPPOR. Tightness is witnessed by taking the limit $\alpha \to 1$ for RAPPOR’s Renyi divergence:

\[\lim_{\alpha \to 1} \frac{2}{\alpha - 1}\log \left( \frac{e^{\alpha \epsilon / 2} + e^{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon/2}}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1} \right) = \frac{e^{\epsilon/2} - 1}{e^{\epsilon/2} + 1}\epsilon\]

Let’s see what these bounds look like:

Figure 1

This is a substantial improvement over the zCDP upper bounds.

Leveraging zCDP for composition

Sure we can show improved zCDP bounds for RAPPOR, but what’s the point? One big reason is that zCDP has very nice advanced composition properties. That is, we can leverage zCDP to show better privacy in the setting where we invoke RAPPOR many times over the dataset. In the plot below, we use Bun & Steinke proposition 1.3 to translate zCDP bounds to $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP.

Figure 2

With the improved zCDP analysis in hand, RAPPOR under k-fold composition can be shown to have much better privacy than using simple composition results. Interestingly enough, the tight zCDP bounds from theorem 3 improve on the original advanced composition bound from Dwork & Roth while maintaining relative simplicity.

Aside: $k$-RAPPOR

We can consider the generalized RAPPOR algorithm where $k \le d$ bits are allowed to be 1, and the rest 0. We can call this $k$-RAPPOR. This mechanism may be useful in the setting where users can contribute to multiple histogram buckets at once.

Theorem 5: $k$-RAPPOR with flip probability $q = \frac{1}{1 + exp\left(\frac{\epsilon}{2 k}\right)}$ satisfies $\epsilon$-DP.

This is straightforward to show using a similar approach in our previous post. Briefly:

\[\begin{align*} \frac{Pr[A(D) = x]}{Pr[A(D') = x]} &\le \frac{(1 - q)^{2k}}{q ^ {2k}}\\ &= \frac{\left(\frac{exp\left(\frac{\epsilon}{2 k}\right)}{1 + exp\left(\frac{\epsilon}{2 k}\right)}\right)^{2k}} {\left(\frac{1}{1 + exp\left(\frac{\epsilon}{2 k}\right)}\right)^{2k}}\\ &= e^\epsilon \end{align*}\]

Similarly, we can show RDP / zCDP bounds, which we will present without proof2.

Theorem 6: $k$-RAPPOR satifies $(\alpha, \hat{\epsilon}(\alpha))$-RDP for all $\alpha > 1$ where

\[\hat{\epsilon}(\alpha) = \frac{2 k}{\alpha - 1}\log \left( \frac{e^\frac{\alpha \epsilon}{2 k} + e^\frac{(1 - \alpha) \epsilon}{2 k}}{e^\frac{\epsilon}{2 k} + 1} \right)\]

It follows that $\epsilon$-DP $k$-RAPPOR satisfies $\rho$-zCDP for

\[\rho = \frac{e^{\epsilon/(2k)} - 1}{e^{\epsilon/(2k)} + 1}\epsilon\]

It’s a tad unweildy to parameterize RAPPOR with $\epsilon$. Let’s rewrite in terms of $q$:

\[\begin{align*} q &= \frac{1}{1 + e^{\epsilon / (2k)}}\\ \frac{\epsilon}{2k} &= \log \frac{1 - q}{q}\\ \epsilon &= 2 k \log\left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right) \end{align*}\]


\[\begin{align*} \rho &= \frac{e^{\log\left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right)} - 1}{e^{\log\left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right)} + 1}2 k \log\left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right)\\ &= \frac{\frac{1 - q}{q} - 1}{\frac{1 - q}{q} + 1} 2 k \log\left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right)\\ &= (1 -2q) 2 k \log \left(\frac{1-q}{q}\right)\\ \end{align*}\]

For a fixed value of $q$, $\rho$ scales linearly with $k$. This behavior is similar to e.g. the Gaussian mechanism, where $\rho$ scales proportional to $\Delta_2^2$, where $k$-hot binary vectors have $\Delta_2 = \sqrt{k}$. Unfortunately, some quick empirical results3 don’t really show this beating the simplest baseline of the (local) gaussian mechanism. Still, it’s a somewhat interesting mechanism. Maybe there is some setting it could be useful in :)

Figure 3

  1. Rather than a direct computation of the RAPPOR Renyi divergence for Theorem 1, I believe it should be possible to to prove it via something like RDP composition of $d$ instances of binary randomized response where only one coordinate can be 1. In this post I chose to do a direct computation as practice, but maybe I will explore these other techniques in a future post. 

  2. Sorry, it’s a little tedious to do the direct computation. 

  3. It should be pretty straightforward to compute e.g. per-bucket variance or some other utility metric for $k$-RAPPOR analytically. Maybe if it performed well empirically, I’d be more motivated!